This has been in the making for some time now. We have some amazing content & you guys have been great contributing your childhood throwback photos & your collections. We are always looking for more contributions & any images used will get a credit in the book. You can send anything from a story from the past, photos, drawings etc to: [email protected] Check back here for deadlines & news on the project, or subscribe to the "Bootleg Bart" newsletter. See below. |
This site celebrates creativity & is here for the purpose to educate those who are interested in pop culture history. We do not condone counterfeiting & actually think it sucks when people straight bite without using their own Imagination.
-Thank you Matt Groening & the "Simpsons Team" for hours of entertainment-
All donations go straight into obtaining more content for the website. This is a one man band, done in spare time. The dream is to do a touring exhbit & quit the day job, because it sucks the big one!