You guys have been getting real creative this year! Thanks to all of you on Instagram, hitting me up with your creations, you rock!
For the past few years over at the Facebook Page its been a bit of Bootleg Bart tradition to post up all your Simpsons themed Halloween costumes. Here are some of my personal favourites, have a good Halloween people & don't forget you can send in any of your pictures to:
[email protected] / direct message on Instagram / private message on Facebook or share on the wall. September 30th , the home of all things Bootleg Bart went live.
What happens next my computer gets a bastard virus! It is now finally up & running again :) Since the launch date, theres been an interview with Dave Schilling over at Vice Magazine, an art show (inspired by the instagram account which hit 25K this month) at San Francisco's"Art Primo Gallery" & a live discussion podcast over at "Yo, Is This Racist?". (Click images below to view). |